Why Is My Shark Robot Vacuum Not Working? 5 Common Concerns

Why is my Shark robot vacuum not working?

If you have purchased a shark robot vacuum not working as it should. Take a look at the list below and learn a few common concerns.

Robot vacuums are great. They save us a lot of time and money by cleaning up hair, dust, debris, and more; however, there can also be problems from time to time.

If you find that your Shark Ion robot vacuum is not working appropriately, what are a few common problems? Take a look at the list below, and see if there is a way to get your robot vacuum working properly. 

1. Your Shark Ion Robot Vacuum Cleaner Cannot Find the Charging Station

One of the first reasons why your Shark Ion robot vacuum might not be working is that it is having trouble finding the docking station. When your robot vacuum is done cleaning your house, it has to recharge its battery. This means it has to return to the charging station, dark appropriately, and refill itself.

If your robot vacuum is having trouble finding the charging station, it may not be able to charge its battery properly. As a result, it could die in the middle of the floor.

Solution: Remove the Obstacles

In this situation, you should remove all obstacles from the charging station. This will make it easier for your robot vacuum to return home. Then, try to avoid moving the charging station when your robot vacuum is cleaning. That way, it will not get confused. 

2. Your Shark Ion Robot Vacuum Is Having Issues Connecting to the WiFi

Your Shark Ion robot vacuum is having issues connecting to the wifi
If there is something wrong with your internet connection, your robot vacuum could get confused

Your Shark Ion robot vacuum relies on the internet to do its job. If there is something wrong with your internet connection, your robot vacuum could get confused.

Solution: Check Your Internet Service Before Checking the Robot Vacuum

You should take a look at your Wi-Fi network and router. Make sure your internet connection is still active. If all the other devices in your home are still connected to the internet, the problem is probably your robot vacuum. On the other hand, if all devices are down, the problem could be your internet service.

Once you have confirmed that your internet service is still active, take a look at your robot vacuum. Make sure it is connected to your internet service. If your robot vacuum is having trouble finding the network, you may want to reach out to a technology professional. 

3. The Brushes Are Dirty on Your Shark Ion Robot Vacuum

Another common reason why your robot vacuum might not be working properly has to do with the brushes. Your Shark Ion robot vacuum has side brushes as well as the main brush. 

Solution: Clean the Brushes After Each Cycle

After every cleaning cycle, you should remove the side brushes from the base of the robot. Then, use a damp microfiber cloth to remove hair, dust, debris, and any other obstructions from the bristle. If the brushes seem worn out, you may need to replace them. 

You also need to take a closer look at the main brush to ensure it is in good health. To access the main brush, remove the end cap. Then, remove any hair from it. You can also use a damp microfiber cloth to remove any dirt, hair, or debris from the cleaning bristles. From time to time, you may have to replace the main brush as well.

4. Your Shark Ion Robot Vacuum Is Having Trouble with the Clutter on the Floor

If your Shark Ion robot vacuum keeps getting stuck on the floor, you should make sure all clutter is out of the way. There are a few common obstacles that could cause your robot vacuum to get stuck. These include: 

  • Your robot vacuum may have a hard time dealing with raised carpet fibers.
  • Your robot vacuum could have a difficult time with clothes on the floor. 
  • Your robot vacuum might be getting tripped up by wires and cords.

Solution: Clean the Clutter

Make sure you remove all obstacles and clutter from the floor. This will make it easier for your Shark Ion robot vacuum to clean your living area. 

5. Your Shark Ion Robot Vacuum Is Moving Erratically

If you notice that your Shark Ion robot vacuum is moving erratically across the floor, there is probably an issue with the robot sensors. Take a closer look at the sensors and see if they look damaged or worn out.

Solution: Clean the Sensors

If the sensors appear dirty, you can use a microfiber cloth or compressed air to clean the sensors and bumper. This may solve the problem. If you clean your robot sensors, and it is still moving erratically, you should take a closer look at the drive wheels. Make sure they are not clogged by dirt or hair. 

Final Word on Why Is My Shark Robot Vacuum Not Working

These are just a few of the many reasons why your Shark robot vacuum might not be working properly. In some situations, you may simply need to clean specific parts of your robot vacuum. In other cases, you may have to replace them.

If you have gone through these steps and your robot vacuum is still having issues, you may want to reach out to the manufacturer for more information. If your robot vacuum is still under warranty, you may be able to get a replacement unit from the company. 

FAQs About Why Is My Shark Robot Vacuum Not Working

Is my robot vacuum going to have a difficult time with carpeted areas? 

It depends on how tall the carpet fibers are. If your carpet fibers are raised significantly, the wheels of your robot vacuum could get stuck. 

Do I need to clean the brushes of my robot vacuum every time? 

Yes. You should clean the brushes of your robot vacuum after every use. This will prevent the motors of the brushes from burning out. It will also make it easier for the brushes to sweep up dirt, dust, and debris.